What do you do after a Motorcycle accident in Atlanta GA?

if you have been in a motorcycle accident, what do you do?
After a motorcycle accident, there are a few things that you should do to help yourself and your family. The first thing that you should do is call 911 if you need medical attention. Then, if your bike is damaged, contact the insurance company. If you want to file a claim for damages, then contact an attorney.
The next step is to deal with any injuries and pain from the accident. If you are able to walk away from the wreck without serious injury, then go see your doctor to make sure everything is okay before you leave the scene of the crash.
Lastly, if there was anyone else involved in the accident, like passengers on your bike or pedestrians who were hit by cars when it happened; then call them as soon as possible so that they can get proper medical treatment as well! Call us Law firm: 404–487–8529. Read more